Hyakugojyuuichi - FanimutationWiki (2025)

This is a Must-See Animutation, considered to be a good representative of the genre of Animutation.


This does not look good for Jay Jay The Jet Plane

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Author:Neil Cicierega
Release Date:May 22, 2001
File Size:1.98 MB
Star(s):Jay Jay the Jet Plane, Colin Mochrie, Pee Wee Herman, Harry Potter
Audio Info
Artist:Professor Orchid
Album:Mezase Pokemon Master


  • 1 About
  • 2 Cast
  • 3 Notable Props
  • 4 Lyrics
  • 5 Audio Details
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 External Links
  • 8 See Also


Hyakugojyuuichi, despite its crude, repetitive content, is considered widely to be the ultimate classic Animutation. It introduced many characters who became Animutation icons/clichés, as well as the idea of sing-along fake lyrics. And, at least the first few times, it is also just plain funny. Good for entertainment and revered as a classic, it is often considered the "first" Animutation, even though it was preceded by The Japanese Pokerap.

Most of it is plain absurdity, but there is a slight plot in the background. The Machine Gunner had a grudge against Jay Jay for looking at him funny (according to the official guide; see external links), so he did what Machine Gunners do. The Harry Potters, who apparently were also in a disagreement with Jay Jay, rejoiced. Apparently Mr. Toukas also had something to do with it. Fortunately the Emergency Medic Pee Wees arrive in an ambulance, running over Mr. Toukas on the way (as well as Guybrush). They rescued Jay Jay by pushing him off the screen, and everyone agreed to forget their differences and unite in song. There is much rejoicing, as important Animutation icons are secured their places in history, and Mario jumps up and down on a camel for some perverted reason.


  • Colin Mochrie/The Sun
  • Jay Jay the Jet Plane
  • Harry Potter
  • Pee Wee Herman
  • Guybrush Threepwood
  • Mr. Toukas
  • Mr. Bean (and later Mrs. Bean)
  • Pikachu / Max the Bunny
  • Alfred E. Neuman / Darth Maul
  • Machine Gunner
  • Frumbum (Rabid Guy Chained to Pole)
  • Chris Benoit
  • Molly
  • Barry
  • Funny Fat Kid Sprite
  • Distorted Colin
  • Pixel Face
  • Ricky Martin
  • Spiked Hair Kid
  • Rubén Valtierra
  • George W. Bush
  • Scruff McGruff
  • Hello Kitty
  • Mario
  • camel from Sega Genesis Aladdin game

Notable Props

  • Pacemaker
  • Middle Finger
  • Ambulance


Fake LyricsReal LyricsTranslation

Nakama no kazu wa sorya
Yappari zettai gatchiri
Ooi hoo ga ii!

Gutai-teki ni wa sorya
Hakkiri Kikkari Tappuri

Sukoshi yuuki ga arya
Batchiri Shikkari Nikkori
Nakama wo geetto!

Da kedo mo tamanya arya?
Ukkari Sukkari Gakkuri
Nakama chou-getto!

[Chorus 1:]
TV says donuts are high in fat, kazoo
Found a hobo in my room
It's Princess Leia, the yodel of life; give me my
sweater back or I'll play the guitar

Madamada takusa~n
Kanarazu doko ka~ ni
Nakama wa iru hazu

[Chorus 2:]
Hyakugojuuichi no yorokobi
Hyakugojuuichi no yume
Hyakugojuuichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro-!

[Repeat from the beginning]
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]

Nakama no kazu wa sorya
Yappari zettai gatchiri
Ooi hoo ga ii!

Gutai-teki ni wa sorya
Hakkiri Kikkari Tappuri

Sukoshi yuuki ga arya
Batchiri Shikkari Nikkori
Nakama wo geetto!

Da kedo mo tamanya arya?
Ukkari Sukkari Gakkuri
Nakama chou-getto!

[Chorus 1:]
Kimi-tachi to no deai wa zenbu
Chanto oboete 'ru
Kizutsukeatta koto mo atta kedo
Sore wa (e~to) wasureta

Madamada takusa~n
Kanarazu doko ka~ ni
Nakama wa iru hazu

[Chorus 2:]
Hyakugojuuichi no yorokobi
Hyakugojuuichi no yume
Hyakugojuuichi no omoide
Mezashite~ ganbaro-!

[Repeat from the beginning]
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]

The number of friends you have
Of course it's got to be
Better the more you have!

Clearly it's got to be
Plainly, exactly, many

If you have a little courage
You'll have a perfect smile
And make friends!

But sometimes, what?
It's a complete and utter faillure
But you'll get more friends!

[Chorus 1:]
I remember everything about
Meeting all of you
Sometimes we hurt each other but
I've (um) forgotten about it.

There's still got to be
Loads of new friends
Out there for me

[Chorus 2:]
151 x happiness
151 dreams
151 memories
Aim high... give it your all!

[Repeat from the beginning]
[Chorus 1]
[Chorus 2]

Audio Details

Hyakugojyuuichi (the song) was the ending theme for the first season of the Pokemon TV series in Japan. It is sung by Professor Oak. The theme, which played during the credits, showed Ash's Pikachu balancing a Pokeball on his head.


  • One frame contains the message: "Only a being of supernatural abilites (or a pause button) could read this!”, making this the first animutation with a subliminal message.
  • The scene with McGruff and Hello Kitty is a super-obscure reference to the Sam & Max comic "Fair Wind to Java," in which a bartender mistakes Sam for McGruff; Max responds by saying, "If he calls me 'Hello Kitty,' I'll plug him.'
  • "Wakeman is Biased" is an obscure reference to the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 online community.

For more, see Neil's official guide.

  • Hyakugojūichi is Japanese for "one hundred fifty-one," which refers to the amount Pokémon at the time(as there were only Bulbasaur to Mew back then). The transliteration Neil uses in the title (jyuu instead of ) is, while not strictly wrong, rarely used.
  • Hyakugojyuuichi has had three sequels: Hyakugojyuuichi 2: The Return by Max Le Fou (which used the same song), Hyakugojyuuichi 3!!! by Keith Stack, and Hyakugojyuuichi 4 by CartoonFan2000.

External Links

See Also

Hyakugojyuuichi - FanimutationWiki (2025)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.